Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGTWREIS), under the patronage of the (Ministry of Welfare) has emerged as a beacon of hope for Scheduled Tribe students in Telangana. For over two decades TGTWREIS has been steadfast in its commitment to providing exceptional, English-medium education that empowers students and transforms their lives.
The Society With 165 institutions is serving 100,000+ students, TGTWREIS stands at the forefront of educational innovation in the state. (The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Telangana has unequivocally endorsed the transformative power of education, recognizing its potential to elevate marginalized children and propel Telangana into the forefront of the 21st century.
TGTWREIS is renowned for its innovative and adaptive approach to education, consistently exploring new avenues to enhance student learning and development. The Society has established specialized schools that cater to the diverse aspirations of its clientele, preparing them for success in a rapidly evolving world.
Over the years, TGTWREIS has achieved remarkable milestones, nurturing thousands of students and transforming them into confident, capable individuals. The Society's reputation for excellence has attracted educators from across India and the world, solidifying its position as a global leader in public residential education.
TGTWREIS offers a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses a diverse range of subjects, from the Arts to the Sciences. With a strong emphasis on gender equality, 101 institutions are dedicated to educating 60,000+ girls, including 10,000 young women who have escaped the clutches of early marriage.
Beyond providing foundational education, TGTWREIS has implemented innovative programs designed to liberate marginalized children from the shackles of poverty, despondency, and inferiority complexes. These programs have empowered students to pursue higher education, gain self-respect, and build brighter futures.